kontrolilo is configured by using a configuration file. To configure the list of allowed licenses, put a file
called .license-check.yaml
alongside the file containing the declaration of your dependencies (e.g. package.json
. pom.xml
, …).
The file must be structured the following way:
- a
- list
- of
- allowed
- licenses
- ...
- any
- package
- listed
- here
- will
- be
- excluded
- from
- the
- check
- ...
include: []
Through the include keyword in the configuration file, you can load license lists from external HTTP(S) sources.
By using this feature, you can build a central list of allowed licenses to keep this configuration in sync for all your projects:
allowedLicenses: []
excludedPackages: []
- url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nbyl/license-check-config/main/commercial-use/license-check-python.yaml
- url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nbyl/license-check-config/main/open-source/license-check-python.yaml
An examples of such a central repository can be found under nbyl/license-check-config.